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For the curious


As a free service, we'll continue to update and develop this resource library by curating the most helpful educational materials and useful tools we can find. We'd also love to hear any suggestions for the types of materials and topics you'd find most helpful or well suited to include, so please let us know!



Aging Life Care Association

"The experts in aging well" can help you find an ALC expert in your area and much more

Alzheimer's Association

Find out more about Alzheimer's basics and research; visit the Caregiver's Center and message boards; find your local chapter and more


Find doctors, hospitals and other health service providers; find health and drug plans; get started with Medicare and more

Parkinson's Foundation

Watch a video about Parkinson's symptoms; listen to the "Substantial Matters" Parkinson's podcast; explore ways to fight Parkinson's and more.

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Articles & research


Alzheimer's & Dementia Resource Outline

An outlined rundown of resources, intel and helpful links

Best Caregiving Apps

Download these top apps to steer you through caregiving and adjusting to in-home care

Journal of Aging Life Care

Access the current issue of our industry's top research publication; also browse a comprehensive Issue Library, Topic Library and more

The Serper Method

This innovative program of brain activities is designed to improve cognitive skills, social skills and memory for all ages

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& worksheets


Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice

Run through this litmus test to see how Aging Optimist (or your current Aging Life Care provider) is doing

Home Safety Assessment Checklist

From lighting to walkways to closets, this 9-page printable document assures no potential home hazard is overlooked

Lotsa Helping Hands

​Create a care community by easily organizing care & help for friends & family in need

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401 Hawthorne Lane | Suite 110-285 | Charlotte, NC 28204


© 2017 Aging Optimist

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